Join our Host Network

Unlock the potential of talented hosts in Indonesia and skyrocket their careers on popular live streaming platforms.

a woman holding a violin in a park
a woman holding a violin in a park

About Us

At Starship, we are dedicated to recruiting and training talented hosts to become superstars on live streaming platforms. We also collaborate with brands, media, TV, and movie production companies to promote our hosts and help them reach new heights of success.

tree on body of water near mountains
tree on body of water near mountains

Our Services

We will help you grow your account and follower base from 0 until you become a megastar. Our team have more than 10 years experience in the livestreaming industry

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
people inside bar
people inside bar

We regularly have singing competitions and top hosts of the month. Win millions of prizes and get invited for a special dinner with your favorite celebrities

shallow focus photo of man in gray collared top taking selfie
shallow focus photo of man in gray collared top taking selfie

Snack Video

SnackVideo is a live streaming platform where you can get diamonds from viewers. StarShip helps you go from zero to hero, gain millions of followers and a constant earning per month

Contact Us

Have any questions or inquiries? Get in touch with our team and we'll be happy to assist you.